Trust Centre - Status
We are fanatical about keeping our systems alive
Last month’s uptime
12 months uptime
(99.992% - 40 minutes downtime)
Our server maintenance window is Friday evening from 20:00-22:00 GMT. During this window we rarely take our systems offline. If there is any planned downtime during this maintenance window it will be communicated to all customers in advance.
We’re happy to answer any questions on our uptime levels, security, and planned maintenance. Our measurable targets, plans and policies can be made available upon request. If you have any queries or security-related questions please contact us at
September 2024No incidents so far this month.
August 2024No incidents this month.
July 2024No incidents this month.
June 20242024-06-17 - 4 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: An internal server issue caused partial downtime for Nowhere applications.
May 20242024-05-02 - 1 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: An internal communication caused partial downtime for Nowhere applications.
April 2024No incidents this month.
March 20242024-03-27 - 4 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: An internal server overload issue impacted Nowhere applications.
2024-03-29 - 26 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: An issue with a third-party certificate caused partial downtime for Nowhere applications.
February 2024No incidents this month.
January 2024No incidents this month.
December 20232023-12-05 - 1 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: A memory overload issue impacted Nowhere applications.
2023-12-11 - 1 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: A network issue impacted Nowhere applications.
2023-12-16 - 1 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: An internal issue impacted Nowhere auth.
November 20232023-11-27 - 1 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: An internal network issue impacted Nowhere applications.
October 20232023-10-19 - 1 minutes 0 seconds downtime. Reason: An internal server issue impacted Nowhere auth.