Andres Cruz


Andres is a catalyst for nowhere LATAM focused on working with clients to create breakthroughs in innovation projects. This stems from his passion and 20-year experience in the start-up world where he has designed, created and grown several ventures across LATAM and Europe in education, tourism, food, real estate, marketplace & engineering sectors. Prior to this, Andres worked on Global Strategy for Shell International. He holds a BA in Industrial Engineering from Los Andes University, Colombia.

He is a firm believer in the power and energy of the collective to create unique solutions, which is why, for the last 13 years, he has been practising and studying Qigong and the i-Ching, and is currently training as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.

Andres enjoyed multicultural experiences living in the Netherlands, UK, Egypt, USA and Colombia. He is a father of two young men and is a keen cyclist, mountaineer, meditator, bass player & dancer.